Food Toxicology (5797), 2013/14


Eugenio Vilanova
Jorge Estévez

Dept. Applied Biology

Area Toxicology

This subject has been teached in 
Degree in Pharmacy (P99) 

THIS SUBJECT WILL BE PRESENTED IN ENGLISH UNDER AN UMH PROGRAMME OFFERING SOME OPTATIVE SUBJECT IN ENGLISH. The student will be able to evaluate a food safety problem and make a technical-health. It is intended that at the end of the teaching process, the student is familiar with the most common issues of concern in food safety, and is able to participate in decision-making on food security related chemical contaminants, food additives and natural food components. Justification: Graduates in Pharmacy exercising sanitary control of drinking water and food as one of their careers in public and in business


Theory Practice Solved practice Exercise Solved Exercises Proyectos Case studies Exams Self-assessment Seminar Presentation

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All the materials here included are used by students during the year 2013/14 in the subject 5797called Food Toxicology.

In particular, they match to :

Theory Practice Solved practice Exercise Solved Exercises Proyectos Case studies Exams Self-assessment Seminar Presentation

Subject Name Number CT CP CTOT
FOOD TOXICOLOGY 5797 3 1.5 4.5
Type Elective Semester First Course 5
    OFFERING SOME OPTATIVE SUBJECT IN ENGLISH. The student will be able to
    evaluate a food safety problem and make a technical-health. It is
    intended that at the end of the teaching process, the student is
    familiar with the most common issues of concern in food safety, and is
    able to participate in decision-making on food security related
    chemical contaminants, food additives and natural food components.
    Justification: Graduates in Pharmacy exercising sanitary control of
    drinking water and food as one of their careers in public and in
Department APPLIED
Institute FACULTY


Learning objectives

Overall course objectives
  • THIS SUBJECT WILL BE PRESENTED IN ENGLISH UNDER AN UMH PROGRAMME OFFERING SOME OPTATIVE SUBJECT IN ENGLISH. The student will be able to evaluate a food safety problem and make a technical-health. It is intended that at the end of the teaching process, the student is familiar with the most common issues of concern in food safety, and is able to participate in decision-making on food security related chemical contaminants, food additives and natural food components. Justification: Graduates in Pharmacy exercising sanitary control of drinking water and food as one of their careers in public and in business
Specific course objectives
  • Getting to a sample extraction and determination of organic compounds and their analytical determinations by advanced methods
Overall theoretical objectives
    The student must be able to access information sources alimantaria security and be able to do a report on a food safety problem and related waters food ingredients, additives, chemical contaminants or natural toxins.
Overall laboratory objectives
  • Trained in analytical methods of quality control parameters of drinking water.


The global contents of this subject are the following:


Current technical-health regulations on drinking water issues in Spain and the European Union. WHO guidelines. 

Health criteria for establishing limits for chemical substances and qualityparameters. 
The toxicological properties data needed to establish daily intake. Consumption criteria and dietary supply through water. Criteria based on the toxicological limit. 
Criteria based on the precaution principle. 
Chemical analytical limits criteria. Quality parameters in drinking waters. 
Tap waters and bottled waters. 
Generalities. Organoleptic parameters. Physical/Chemical parameters. Anions. Cations. Elements and compounds considered toxic and/or undesirable. 
Organic micropollutants. 
Microbiological parameters. 
Certain parameters of special interest. Lead, arsenic, pesticides, chlorine-derived elements, water treatment substances, copper, boron, nitrates and nitrites, microtoxins, others. From each one: pollutant sources, health problems, socio-economic problems relating to their application, control methods. Risk management and  decision making. 
Management responsibilities. Assessing the risks involved in temporary pollutions.Decision making should limits be exceeded. Assessing pollutants not considered in the regulations. Incidences in the food industry
Methods to control and analyse drinking waters. Sampling and frequency of controls. Characteristics of the control methods. Some representative examples of the control techniques used. Bottled mineral waters and medicinal waters. Concepts, specific regulations, and quality and labelling criteria. 
The water quality analyses laboratory. Authorising laboratories. Quality control of hydrologic analyses. Good Laboratory Practices. Selecting an analytical method. Selecting a sample collection method. UNE regulations. ISO regulations. CustodyChain. Interpreting the results of a water analysis. Interpreting the results of a physical analysis. Interpreting the results of a chemical analysis. 
Health aspects relating to water quality
Environmental aspects relating to the quality of drinking waters. 
The technological and socio-economic problems to be implemented.

Teaching method

  • The student activity will be the development of a report-project. Some of the lectures will be devoted to presentations by Professor but students will participate by presenting the progress of your project or issue that has been assigned and all partners participate in the discussion. Eventually the student shall deliver a copy of the information obtained on the subject, will report very summarized and discussed in class. This procedure can pass the course without review.

Evaluation system

  • Students wishing to prepare a system of project-report (recommended) relieved of making written and will particularly value the acquisition of ability to carry out the project that will be helpful to know how to prepare reports and technical issues defend them in their future professional life.

    Note Theory = [5x (DELIVERIES specific job) + 3x (presentations) + 2x (ASSISTANCE)] / 10.

    If the student can not attend class regularly, in the early going, the teacher may agree with a custom procedure that may be established especially for students in ERASMUS or similar stays or work activity.

    FINAL NOTE = [8x (theory) + 2x (practice)] / 10.

    If not benefiting from the system, the theory mark will be a final written exam. This test will consist of three questions that the student will develop on the subject of the course that includes classes presented by the teacher and the issues presented by students.

    Practices require laboratory assistance and assess the attitude in the laboratory and the results report. Be assigned alternative activities for students with assistance difficult time practices.

    The theory grade or approved practices are preserved for the next grade regardless


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